Honey Bee Hive Removal
The home of the bees... inside an overturned plantpot among some vegetation!
Hive inside a plant pot
December 2, 2019
This extraction was by far the easiest I have been involved with.
The bees were SO CALM that I couln't help but think that I didn't need
my protective jacket, veil, and gloves!
The uprighted pot reveals the inside filled with several combs absolutely covered with bees!
Left: With a couple combs removed (note the old attachment points to the upper left),
showing a comb with yellow colored honey cells and some brown colored brood cells.
Right: Bees clustering at the entrances of the new hive.
Left: Empty comb placed into a frame.
Right: A series of frames with honey comb and brood comb framed up and placed into the new hive.
Bees finding their way into the front of the new hive.
The hive is an 8-frame
Apimaye insulated hive, with a custom "queen includer" grate over the entrance.